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Had a surprise when I opened my bag today. There was a packet of yummy chocolate, nice nice cookie and a sweet little note... My sweet hubby packed all these in my bag while I was sleeping...
So sweet of him hor....:P Never fails to surprise me with little things like this...
Love you darling dearest! Muak muak! :p
My 1st blog in my entire life and this is my 1st title... HEALTH...haha, prob will scare many off man... :p
Many years ago, I will probably think I am super healthy, cos I'm young and goes to the gym frequently. No major illness = Healthy. Sounds like the right thing to say rite? Probably whoever is reading this feels that is the definiton of health. In recent 3 years, I've seen, read and heard enough to know this is not entirely right.
Have u ever thought of how it feels like to age? Since young, I fear aging. I even thought of passing on at the age of 40 when I'm still in my prime. I want pple to remember the best part of me. *gasp* But now, I know aging has nothing to do with looking ugly, being a burden to family, being wheelchair bound like what I frequently see on TV, worrying about getting ill and sick, inability to do whatever I want. In fact, u can look good even when u are old, u can age graciously and u can do all the things u want to do, including travelling and have lotsa energy and vitality!! And the secret to this has nothing to do with consuming synethetic stuff like Intenze and all that crap! It has got everything to do with how well u balance yr body, the holistic approach! I learnt this from my mentor and what he says really makes sense. The fact is our human body is the most complex and has the most amazing self-healing power (Most books say that too by the way). Yet, most of us fail to leverage on that, instead pple tend to listen to doctors wholly and consume all the synthetic stuff that may do more harm to our body than benefit it!
Think about it, with the advanced technology now, shouldn't the human race be healthier in general? Shouldn't humans be reaping benefits from technology? So why are there more pple dying of illnesses each day? Why are more young pple suffering from old man's disease like diabetes, heart disease, gout (the list goes on...)? The discovery of Penicillin has not enabled the human race to be stronger, we are still vulnerable to a host of attacks by other forms of bacteria, so shouldn't we take another approach towards HEALTH? Healthy = Heal + thy (Heal yourself)
Maybe, we are just too complacent with the happenings around us that we choose to compromise our standard of health.... maybe popping medicine is more convenient than healing oneself, maybe it is perceived as more normal to be sick than to be healthy... whichever the case, I truly hope things will change, I truly wish for 1 day, pple realise it's not normal to have heart problems, hormone imbalances, sinus, diabetes etc just because other pple also have it...I truly wish for 1 day, everyone will work towards their own health...