Tuesday, March 11, 2008

My first major serious accident!

Decided to document this to remember this incident and to grouse people out, so don't continue if you have a weak heart!!

When the bike skidded and I landed on the floor, I was in shock. Did not really know what was happening, only knew I was bleeding a lot and that I could see white stuff and bloody flesh on my foot. The pain started to hit real hard when I was in Simon's car on the way to the hospital. Simon is the nice guy who sent us to the hospital. At the hospital, bored and in pain, I decided to take photos to while away some time. My sister soon arrived with chocolate to pacify me and wheeled me around for my X-rays and checks while my hubby limped around on his own for his checks. After more than 4 hours, we finally managed to head back home, tired and hungry...

Does the wound at the kneecap look like tattoo to you? Btw, that is my fav FCUK jeans!!

Remains of my hubby's socks, can you imagine what would have happened if he was not wearing shoes!!

Does my blue black look like a continent to you?

Aftermath of accident, I rested at home for 6 long weeks. This was taken almost one month after the accident. Still looks bad ya...

check out JQ's wound...this continuously had discharge and smells quite bad...

When JQ and I think back, we still feel blessed that we only escaped with superficial wounds. Given the time and location of the incident, we are really lucky that we were not knocked by traffic behind us. It really could be a lot worse. However, the timing really quite suay. If we could just tahan 2 more weeks, we would have collected our car and avoided this accident all together.

And how did I spend the 6 long weeks? I slept a lot, watched a lot of TV, ate and slept, ate and slept, ate and slept. Lucky we had company on and off, some friends came to visit and talk cock, family came to play mahjong. Think my mahjong improved a lot man. And we are lucky we had strong support from our family. My sis came by a lot to help me shower, helped us with a lot of grocery shopping. My Mum settled our meals, Dad fetched us to and fro the clinic, JQ's family helped us with food supplies, rental of maid and loads of care and concern. A BIG thank you to you guys! Love you all! Also need to thank all the friends and relatives that came with fruits, food, magazines, dvd. Thanks for your thoughtfulness!