My sis just sent email to me with subject head: "bianz! Still collecting keys!" Ha ha! Her second reminder that I have not updated my blog. In fact she still ask me to shut down my blog in her earlier email!! Yes yes, it's been a while since I collected my keys, in fact it has been more than a month since I collected my keys on 5 Feb and I have not blogged anything about it!! A lot of things to do leh, CNY, POV, finding renovation contractor etc etc...ha... excuses....
So here's a summary of what has been happening so far!
CNY: 1st CNY with hubby, 1st time giving out Ang Paos, 1st CNY belonging to a different entity, our own entity. We had more gatherings with friends than visiting relatives though. Overall, it has been really fun and tiring.
POV: Fantastic experience! Very different from the seminars I've attended before. Gave me a new perspective of true love, joy, bliss and gratitude. It also strengthened the bond JQ and I have. Made me really appreciate what we have going and really thankful towards WBG for such a great hubby! JQ recently said something to me that really touches my heart. "If not for WBG, there won't be this man here today standing before you who is worthy of having you." *heart melt*
2nd POV: Yet another amazing experience! Saw a different side of the people I truly respect from the bottom of my heart! Also a time of revelation, of acceptance and forgiveness. POV is a course that I really don't know how to describe. There is no right words that can be used to describe it. The best way to say it is GO EXPERIENCE IT!
Our new place: Finally getting somewhere! A clearer direction from our feng shui master, managed to find a contractor we can work well with, applied for renovation permit with HDB, and starting work next week! Hoping to move in by end Apr or May!
AOB: We thinking of a Golden Piglet in Jan 08. See if can start factory production in Apr. But that means NO honeymoon for us! :( See how things go lah. Anyway, now is not the time to enjoy yet, not with the financial liability of a renovation loan on our back. It just clashes with our financial mindset. Will aim to build asset first, will have to work on Junior Seth and Junior Evelyn baby fund and educational fund first... keke